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Best Nature Quizzes Online
Are you looking for the best Nature quizzes online? You can get here more than 14 Nature quizzes with almost 14491 played. Let's play a Nature quiz.
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Lightning?
Have you ever heard About Lightning? Do you ever imagine how Lightning occurs? Lightning occurs when regions of excess positive and negative charge develop within the cloud. Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge during which two
General Science Natural Resources Quiz Questions and Answers
Natural resources are materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people's needs. Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone, and sand are natural resources. O
Making Peace with Nature Report Quiz
The 'Making Peace with Nature' report has been released by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) ahead of the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5). The report sheds light on how climate change, erosion of biodiver
Ultimate Quiz About Nature And Science
Well, do you love science and nature? As you know science can be hard enough at the best of times, let alone during a busy pub quiz - may be a virtual quiz session will relieve the pressure? The next time you look at the House Party, Google Hangout,
Quiz: How Sustainable Are You?
Nature has always been fighting from various natural and man-made factors. There are several programs that are been done by governments as well as people to protect nature nad its resources. You might be knowing sustainable development? The need to p
Quiz: Which Cause Should You Donate To?
Donation is one of the nicest and purest words that we might be aware of! Everyone loves to donate and donating for a cause just adds a little more comfort. There are several causes for a person to donate, some might donate for emergency cases while
Quiz: How Much You Know About Summer Season?
Summer is the hottest season of the year, which makes it difficult to go outside during the day. During this time people usually visit the market in the late evening or at night. Many people like to take a walk in the morning in summer. Dust-filled,
Quiz: What Kind of Garden Should You Plant?
Everyone has some love for nature! Nature is, of course, one of the most important things for us because of the things we get from it. There are a million types of gardens a person might choose from to plant. But choosing one has never been easy. You
Mountain Trivia Quiz! Can You Answer These Mountain Quiz Questions
The mountain or mountain is a naturally elevated part of the earth. It emerges mostly in a casual way. The mountains are mostly in a continuous group. When there is a fault in the rocks, the middle part gets sunk down and the adjacent sides rise up,
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About Hydropower Energy!
Energy is an essential input for economic development and quality of life improvement. Hydroelectric is hydroelectric power obtained from water. Hydropower is very important in the methods of generation of electric power. One-third of the entire elec
Quiz: How Much You Know About World Wide Fund for Nature?
As its name suggests, WWF is committed to protecting and preserving the wider environment. The work of this NGO is based on a scientific approach and a human approach to conserving biodiversity by monitoring the conservation of species and establishi
Can You Pass This Renewable Energy Sources Trivia Quiz Test
You already know about non-renewable or exhausting energy sources. We all rely heavily on non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas, etc. to meet our daily needs. But we also know that these resources are limited in nature and ther
Natural Resources Quiz: How Much You Know About Natural Resources?
The resources which we get from nature are called natural resources. In light of the availability of the resources in nature, natural resources can be broadly classified into two kinds one is an inexhaustible natural resource and the other is an exha
How Much You Know About Natural Phenomena Quiz
Anything occurs in nature which is not produced by human being although it may affect humans is known as a natural phenomenon. Most of the natural phenomenon is harmless but some of them are very dangerous and can harm mankind at a large scale. Examp