Anger does have a classification. There are three types of anger Assertive, open and passive aggression. Our reaction to any situation depends upon the type of anger we have. Have you ever thought of this before? Well, if not this quiz might be an effective tool to know what is your anger type. Let’s find out.
1. What will I do when I get angry?
A. Stay calm
B. Burst it out
C. Move away
D. Keep it in
2. I usually express my anger by-
A. Screaming
B. Keeping silence
C. By keeping grudge and showing it later
D. Letting go
3. My significant other describes me as-
A. Volcano
B. Grumpy
C. Buddha
D. Passive-aggressive
4. After expressing my anger I typically-
A. Regret
B. Apologise
C. Stay angry for long
D. Let it go
5. Anger makes me...
A. Uncontrolled
B. Uncomfortable
C. Feel that I need validation
D. Shame
6. In the worst-case scenario, I behave by-
A. Screaming
B. Physically aggressive
C. Breaking things
D. Keeping calm
7. I think how should we express our anger?
A. By getting it all out
B. Keeping it in
C. Leaving the place
D. Keeping grudge and taking it out later
8. In my relationships I-
A. Tend to jealous easily
B. Ignore small mistake
C. Break up and move on easily
D. Screen shout fight but stay together
9. How frequently do I get angry?
A. Occasionally
B. Every day
C. Once a week
D. Never
10. When I am angry in public I tend to-
A. Control
B. Fight
C. Let it go
D. Smile
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