Animal Kingdom Quiz Question And Answer

Questions : 13 | Total Attempts: 534 | Recent Updated: 11-Feb-2022
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The animal kingdom is one of the most important in the five kingdoms taxonomic classification which is classified by Robert Whittaker. Organisms of the animal kingdom are eukaryotic and multicellular. Animal kingdoms are further classified into 10 different phyla on the basis of some fundamental features and the features are Levels of Organisation, Symmetry, Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation, Coelom development, Segmentation of the body, and Presence or absence of Notochord. So take this Animal Kingdom quiz and know more about the animal kingdom.

Questions Excerpt

1. Pinworm eggs hatch into larval forms in ....

A. Large intestine

B. Small intestine

C. Liver

D. Lungs

2. What is the size of the pinworms?

A. 6 to 13 millimeters

B. 12 to 23 millimeters

C. 2 to 5 millimeters

D. None of these

3. How many hearts are found in earthworms?

A. One

B. Three

C. Five

D. Seven

4. Which fish is specific to consuming mosquito larvae?

A. Gambusia Fish

B. Blobfish

C. Nile tilapia

D. Freshwater angelfish

5. .... era is known as the age of reptiles.

A. Precambrian Era

B. Mesozoic Era

C. Paleozoic Era

D. Cenozoic Era

6. Which one is the only snake who makes a nest?

A. Vipers Snake

B. King Cobra

C. Titanoboa Snake

D. Garter Snake

7. Which of the following is the world's poisonous lizard?

A. Heloderma

B. Monitor lizard

C. Iguanas

D. Anoles

8. One of the most venomous mammals is ....

A. Platypus

B. Cuban Solenodon

C. Short-Tailed Shrews

D. Mediterranean Water Shrew

9. Name the animal which have nucleus in their RBC?

A. Lion

B. Human

C. Camel

D. Pinna

10. Which of the following is the example of Metatheria?

A. Camel

B. Whale

C. Platypus

D. Kangaroo

11. In developing embryos RBCs are formed in ....

A. Spleen

B. Liver

C. Both of these

D. None of these

12. What is the famous name of aplysia?

A. Sea horse

B. Sea fish

C. Sea cucumber

D. Sea hare

13. What is the real name of cuttlefish?

A. Sepia officinalis

B. Sea lemon

C. Devil fish

D. Sea urchin


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