People who have antisocial personality disorder considered as a sociopath. They don’t understand the feelings of other people. They don’t respect the norms and laws of society. They don’t feel guilty or remorse for any harm. They use mind games for controlling friends, family members, co-workers. They control strangers also. If you suspect that you are also one of them then take this quiz and know more about it.
1. How fast do you think; you will be angry on someone?
A. Just a few minutes
B. A few hours
C. It depends on what causes the anger
D. You normally don’t succumb to anger
2. Do you remember the feeling of your first love?
A. Yes, like it was yesterday
B. No, not really and you don’t see why you should
C. Sometimes you think about, but it’s the past so you don’t really care that much
D. You used to but not anymore
3. Which one is most important in your life?
A. Yourself
B. Your mom
C. Your pet
D. Actually nobody
4. Do you care what people think about you?
A. Yes, very much
B. Sometimes
C. Not really because according to you they are all losers
D. You are only concerned when your interests are being threatened
5. Do feel that your prank scares the other person?
A. Yes, probably
B. Yes, most of the time
C. No, not really
D. Sometimes
6. Does anyone label you as a psychopath?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Not really
D. No
7. Does your partner scare due to your behavior?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It is possible because they prefer avoiding you when you are angry
D. No, because they accept you as you are
8. Do you feel that you need a psychiatrist?
A. Yes
B. No
C. You used to but not anymore
D. You were recommended to see a specialist but you never did
9. Name the worst thing you want to do in your life?
A. Killing someone
B. Putting a bomb in a building
C. Strangling someone
D. You generally don’t have these types of thoughts
10. Which word describes you most?
A. Antisocial
B. Sad
C. Depressed
D. Just a normal person who loves life
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