Everyone wants a happy and stable relationship. In every kind of relationship, people learn lots of things. In a happy and stable relationship, you learn how you support your partner, what is your priority and how you care for yourself and another person. In a bad or not stable relationship, you gain experience and know the way for overcoming the pain of your broken relationship. From every relationship people get something. So, take this quiz and know that you gain something from a relationship or not?
1. How you define your relationship?
A. It's growing together in the relationship
B. It's getting something out of the relationship
C. It's getting out of someone who has more than you
D. It's being smarter than you partner
2. Do you feel that financial stability is the main reason for marriages?
A. No
B. Yes, of course
C. Maybe
D. Yes, most of time
3. Do you feel that sex is important for a good relationship?
A. Yes, sex is always important
B. No, this is nonsense
C. Yes, because at least you learn new tricks
D. No, because it should be more than that
4. Do you get good advice from your partner?
A. Yes, why not?
B. No, because it is abuse
C. Yes, but not every time
D. Yes
5. What could be the worst thing happening to your partner and why?
A. Him/her dying, because he/she is the one with all the money
B. Him/her leaving you, because you can't make it on your own
C. Him/her cheating on you because it could mean that you have no real power over him/he
D. You can't think of a single thing
6. Do you feel that your partner is satisfied with you?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It's too much to ask
D. Yes, but only in bed
7. If you are not sexually satisfied with your partner then you live with him/her or not?
A. No ways!
B. No
C. No because life will become boring
D. Yes, because you have nowhere to go
8. Does your partner refuse your any request?
A. Several times
B. Maybe once
C. Never
D. He/she wouldn't dare to do so
9. According to you who is more responsible in relationship man or woman?
A. The woman because she is smarter
B. The man because he makes more money
C. The secretive one because he/she is unpredictable
D. The quiet one because he/she knows how to keep a secret
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