Hey, how happy are you with your marriage? I think, this is a difficult question for the answers but you have to decide about yourself, how happy are you with your partner? Sometimes we are not able to decide about our marriage & about our partner. And if you are not happy with your partner then this is very bad for your future, so try to know about your happiness. Let's take this quiz & know more about your happy life. (Dear quiz taker, this is a fun quiz, do not take seriously.)
1. How long have you been married life?
A. For many years
B. For several weeks
C. For several months
D. For a few days
2. Do you fight a lot lately with each other?
A. Yes, sometimes
B. Not at all
C. Not really
D. No comments
3. Has the marriage changed your life according to your partner?
A. Yes, we can say that
B. Not really
C. Not at all
D. Sometime, I feel like this
4. Are you feeling happy compared to single?
A. Yes, definitely I am happy better than earlier
B. Sometimes you are, sometimes you aren’t
C. No, I think no
D. You’ve never really thought about it
5. Do you feel any problem being married life?
A. Yes, a lot of regrets but we can manage
B. Sometimes you do but this is not a big deal
C. No, I think no
D. No comment
6. Do you & your partner feel to go marriage counseling?
A. Yes, off course
B. I think no
C. You’ve asked for an appointment
D. Not yet
7. Do you feel a problem with your partner?
A. Yes feel, Sometimes
B. No, I do not feel like this
C. Yes but not much
D. Not really
8. Do you enjoy the married life with full of happiness?
A. Yes, I feel this
B. Just a little bit
C. You like it a lot
D. No comment
9. Have you discussed your future planning with your partner?
A. Yes, we are doing
B. We are doing sometimes
C. Not really
D. No, you are both are very different
10. Have you shared your problem with each other?
A. Yes, but not much
B. Not anymore
C. We have some things common
D. You never really had much in common
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