Marriage is a process in which two people make their relationship public and official. Everyone thinks about happy married life but it is not possible in every marriage. Lots of marriages end with bitter experiences because people do not feel good and happy. They thought marriage is the biggest mistake of his/her life. So, take this quiz and know in what type of marriage are you?
1. In a day how many times you call each other?
A. Several times during a day
B. At least 3 times a day.
C. At least once a day.
D. Almost never.
2. Which thing you like most in your partner?
A. Their truth worthiness
B. Their looks
C. Their personality
D. Almost nothing
3. How many times you go for outing with your partner in a month?
A. Almost every weekend.
B. Almost every 3 days.
C. Once a month.
D. It’s been a while since you’ve done so.
4. According to you how many things are common in you and your partner?
A. So many that you’ve lost count.
B. A few things.
C. One thing, food.
D. Nothing.
5. Who are more aggressive in relationship?
A. Him
B. Her
C. Both of you do.
D. You don’t know
6. What is the main point of argument between you and your partner?
A. Politics
B. Money
C. Where to go and have fun
D. Almost nothing
7. How many times you have argument with your partner?
A. Once a day.
B. Many times, during the day.
C. As soon as you meet.
D. Almost never.
8. When you say I love you to your partner?
A. All the times.
B. After sex.
C. After hanging up the phone.
D. It’s been a while since you’ve done so.
9. According to you how many times intimacies is good and pleasurable?
A. All the time.
B. During weekends
C. Once every month
D. Almost never
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