Are you unsure about that guy/girl who asked you out and doesn’t know if you want love or not? Are you unsure about going out on a date with your best friend as you are not sure whether you want love or not? Don’t worry we have got you covered attempt our quiz to know if you are looking for love or not.
1. Have you been in any relationship in the past?
A. None
B. Forgot the count
C. A few times
D. Only once
2. Have you asked some out?
A. It’s usually others who ask me out
B. Never
C. Once but was rejected
D. A few times
3. Which word best describes your love life?
A. Boring
B. Fun
C. Complicated
D. Imaginary
4. Which type of dating do you prefer?
A. All of them
B. Online
C. Offline
D. Not a single one
5. Do you feel depressed when someone rejects you?
A. Who will reject me?
B. No, It’s all part of life
C. I lock myself in my room
D. Never asked anyone out
6. Are you mean to people?
A. Sometimes
B. Not once
C. It’s a rough world you have to be mean
D. Only to my partners
7. Which of these qualities do you prefer the most?
A. Caring and loving
B. Good looking
C. I just want a partner
D. Should be rich
8. How do you perceive yourself?
A. I am ugly
B. I am what I am and I don’t care
C. I am the most beautiful/handsome person in the world
D. Never thought about it
9. How do you look at your relationship?
A. I am single
B. Temporary
C. Everlasting
D. Depends on my partner
10. How well do you communicate with your partner?
A. Never had one
B. Very well
C. Wish I was a good communicator
D. Moderate
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