Quiz: How Much You Know About Asteroids?

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 981 | Recent Updated: 03-Sep-2020
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There are many asteroids in the galaxy in which we can see some of them. Asteroids usually orbit directly around the Sun, which is made of rock or metals. Asteroids are rocky worlds revolving around the Sun, which can neither be classified as a planet or a comet. Large forms of asteroids are also known as planets, mainly known as asteroids that exist in the Jupiter Trojan or the asteroid belt formed between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. The size of asteroids varies greatly, approximately 1000 km to the largest bottom of rocks across just 1 meter. So let's start this quiz and know interesting facts about Asteroids.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the first Asteroid was discovered?

A. 01 January 1801

B. 11 January 1901

C. 01 January 1890

D. 11 January 1810

2. Who was discovered "Ceres"?

A. Galileo Galilei

B. Isaac Newton

C. Giuseppe Piazzi

D. Edwin Hubble

3. Asteroids are sometimes known as which of these names?

A. Star

B. Small plant

C. Planetoids

D. All of above

4. When was the last time the Earth was hit by an asteroid?

A. 77 million years ago

B. 66 million years ago

C. 65 million years ago

D. 75 million years ago

5. Which of the following year was second Asteroid discovered?

A. 18 March 1820

B. 18 March 1902

C. 28 March 1920

D. 28 March 1802

6. How much Asteroids were known in 2000 to have diameters greater than 240 kilometers?

A. 20

B. 26

C. 16

D. 61

7. How many meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere every day?

A. 20

B. 26

C. 16

D. 61

8. Which of the following law suggested that there should be a planet between Mars and Jupiter?

A. Bode's Law

B. Planetary Law

C. Celestial Law

D. None of the above

9. Pick the name of asteroid that is located at the Lagrangian points, L4 and L5, and lie in the same orbit as Jupiter?

A. Eros

B. Pallas

C. Trojan

D. None of these

10. Which of the following asteroids is the biggest asteroid in the galaxy?

A. Ceres

B. Vesta

C. Pallas

D. Hygiea

11. Who was the discoverer of the Pallas asteroid?

A. Isaac Newton

B. Giuseppe Piazzi

C. Heinrich Olbers

D. Edwin Hubble

12. How many basic types of asteroids?

A. Five

B. Three

C. Seven

D. Ten

13. Which of the following asteroids is the most dangerous asteroid in the universe?

A. Vesta

B. Pallas

C. Hygiea

D. Apollo

14. Which of the following years "243Ida" asteroids was discovered?

A. 1880

B. 1884

C. 1980

D. 1984

15. What is the Radius of "Ceres"?

A. 475km

B. 400km

C. 473km

D. 470km


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