Every day in our lives we encounter different policies that keep enhancing with time. Motor Vehicle rules today have been seen in talks because there are many people who have started to break traffic rules in big numbers. Bihar is an Indian state which is known for the fact to have strict vehicle rules and policies regarding the same. Do you know all about the motor vehicles of Bihar? Do you think you have enough knowledge about the same? Then, try out this very interesting and amazing quiz and see are you really good at remembering the Bihar Motor Vehicles Rules?
1. The State Government of Bihar on_________ has issued the Bihar Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Rules, 2020?
A. April 30, 2020
B. May 23, 2020
C. January 16, 2020
D. September 24, 2020
2. Which rule specifies the safety of the children while commuting in the school buses, has been replaced?
A. Rule 122 (3)
B. Rule 123 (2)
C. Rule 122 (2)
D. Rule 123 (4)
3. The Bihar Motor Vehicles Rules_______ were further implemented in 2020?
A. 1991
B. 1992
C. 1990
D. 1989
4. When you see the traffic sign of School, you should
A. Slow down and proceed in caution
B. Stop the vehicle, sound horn and proceed
C. Sound horn continuously and proceed
D. None of the above
5. What needs to be checked before starting the engine of a vehicle?
A. Brakes
B. Head Light
C. Fuel
D. Radiator water level and engine oil level
6. One time tax for a new car is for __________?
A. 20 years
B. 15 years
C. Till the registration of the vehicle is cancelled
D. 25 years
7. Extent of effectiveness of learner licenses, to drive motor vehicles ___________?
A. Be effective only to drive in local
B. Be effective throughout India
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
8. According to section 129 of Motor Vehicle Act 1988, a person should wear _______ while driving a motor cycle?
A. Helmet
B. Shoes
C. Jackets
D. Hand Gloves
9. All motor vehicles must be covered by _________ Insurance?
A. Comprehensive
B. Life
C. Health
D. Third party
10. Give way sign is of ________?
A. Hexagon Shape
B. Circular Shape
C. Triangular Shape
D. Octagon Shape
11. In which of the following places, parking is prohibited?
A. In an open place
B. On a footpath
C. On one-way road
D. In front of a parking vehicle
12. The indicators that may be marked for a visible outline of the road is called __________?
A. Roadway Deliantor
B. Roadway Line
C. Roadway indicator
D. Roadway markings
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