Computer GK Quiz For 4th Grade Students

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 810 | Recent Updated: 14-May-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using programs, if you want to learn about computer basics knowledge then you come right place. In this quiz, you can learn basic knowledge about computers.So let's start this quiz and know about Computer.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who is the father of the computer ?

A. Charles Babbage

B. Alan Turing

C. Newton

D. None of these

2. Who is the father of modern Computer?

A. Albert Einstein

B. Alan Turing

C. Martin cooper

D. Donald cox

3. How many types are computers?

A. Three

B. Five

C. Six

D. Four

4. Which of the following is the physical part of the computer system?

A. Software

B. Hardware



5. Which is the permanent memory of the computer?


B. Software

C. Hardware


6. Which of the following is a type of memory for a computer?

A. Hard drive

B. Soft drive

C. Chip

D. None of these

7. Which among the following is the most commonly used computer part?

A. Monitor

B. C.P.U

C. Keyboard

D. None of these

8. Which computer is portable and easy to carry by travelers?

A. Super computer

B. File Servers

C. Television

D. Laptops

9. What is the most powerful computer?

A. Super-computer

B. Micro-Computer

C. Nano-computer

D. Fast-Computer

10. What was used to program the first computer?

A. Assembly language

B. Machine Language

C. Technology language

D. None of these


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