Literature has definitely been a binding force for everyone. From our starting school days, setting a base in literature is a crucial aspect. In 7th grade, we were surrounded by lots of poems. One such poem we all must have read or been reading is Dad and The Cat and the Tree Poem. The poem was much loved among students because of the narration the poem conveys. But there's a lot about this poem! Do you think you know about the poem well? Do you know the answers to all the questions? Then try this fascinating quiz and set a high score!!
1. Where did the father find the ladder?
A. On his bed
B. Their Car
C. Gate
D. Garden Shed
2. Who was stuck on the tree?
A. Father
B. Dog
C. Cat
D. Son
3. By the end of the novel, who got stuck on the tree?
A. Cat
B. Father
C. Son
D. All of the above
4. Who made Plan B?
A. Father
B. Cat
C. Son
D. None of them
5. How many times does the narrator of the father try to climb the tree?
A. 7
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
6. Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall?
A. Because the tree is not so tall
B. Because he is tall
C. Because he is a good climber
D. Because he was already prepared
7. Which phrase in the poem expresses Dad’s Self-confidence best?
A. Honesty is the best policy
B. Easy as winking to a climber like me
C. Those who try never lose
D. Choose peace and happiness
8. What was the cat's reaction after coming down the tree?
A. Smiling and smirking
B. Angry and smiling
C. Schocked and Terrified
D. Sad and Confused
9. State an adjective used to describe the tree?
A. Enormous
B. Straight
C. Tall
D. Wobbly
10. What happens after the poet’s father falls off the ladder?
A. He gives up.
B. He gets up and goes to take rest.
C. He gets up and plans for other trick
D. He starts crying
11. What does mother Warn father?
A. To bring the cat down immediately
B. Not to fall again
C. To beware of dogs
D. To give up
12. How does the father react to the warning?
A. He finds it a funny joke
B. He needs it seriously
C. He obeys her advice
D. He waits for the right way
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