Technically, a debt trap is a situation where you are forced to take out fresh loans to pay off your existing debt obligations. And before you know it, you get caught in a situation where the amount of debt you owe becomes worse and out of control. Such a situation generally occurs when your loan obligations exceed your repayment capacity. For example, when the income you generate is not enough to cover your loan, the interest on the outstanding loan amount starts to pile up quickly. This forces you to take advantage of fresh loans to clear the piling up interest, leaving you in a debt trap. China's foreign development policy has been called Debt-trap diplomacy. Let's know more about Debt trap Diplomacy.
1. In which country has China invested the most money in the form of investment and construction?
A. Pakistan
B. Nigeria
C. Mali
D. Sri Lanka
2. China is investing heavily in the ___________ services sector.
A. African
B. Asian
C. European
D. American
3. How many billion dollars has China invested in Pakistan between 2015 and 2021?
A. 14.97 billion dollars
B. 44.97 billion dollars
C. 64.97 billion dollars
D. 84.97 billion dollars
4. Which countries are mostly caught in the debt trap policy of China?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Comoros
C. Indonesia
D. All of these
5. How many billion dollars did China invest in Sri Lanka in the spirit of debt trap policy?
A. 14.97 billion dollars
B. 44.97 billion dollars
C. 64.97 billion dollars
D. 84.97 billion dollars
6. List of countries suffering from China's debt policy in the world, which is the most trapped?
A. Indonesia
B. Vietnam
C. Somali
D. All of these
7. Which of the following are activities of Chines BRI?
A. Policy coordination
B. Business promotion
C. Physical contact
D. All of these
8. Which of the following project is the strategic rise of China in the subcontinent?
A. China Myanmar economic corridor
B. China Pakistan economic corridor
C. China Nepal economy corridor
D. All of these
9. Which is the most important project of China's debt policy?
A. Belt and Road initiative
B. Build back better world
C. Blue world
D. Blue Water policy
10. When was a belt and road initiative project announced by the Chinese President XI?
A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2019
D. 2020
11. Approximately how many countries sign on the belt and Road initiative project launched by China?
A. 50
B. 75
C. 100
D. 200
12. Which continent's country has been trapped the most by China in its debt trap?
A. European
B. American
C. African
D. Asian
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