Does He Think About Me? Crush Quiz for Girl

Questions : 7 | Total Attempts: 11859 | Recent Updated: 12-Feb-2022
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Being in a long separation relationship can give the accomplices a lot of questions and that is the reason most don't keep going for over a year. Is it true that you are seeing someone think about whether he contemplates you when you are here missing him? Take up this straightforward test and discover whether he thinks of you or not. So let’s begin.

Questions Excerpt

1. How frequently do you see each other?

A. We often meet as we live nearby

B. Almost daily as we are office mate/ school mate/college mate

C. We didn’t meet yet

D. One time only

2. How you guys communicate?

A. By call

B. By face to face

C. By messaging

D. We don’t communicate

3. What kind of relationship he has with your parents?

A. All good

B. Mom likes him but dad doesn’t

C. Dad likes him but mom doesn’t

D. Average

4. Have you told him that you like him?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don’t want to tell him

D. Don’t remember

5. Has he told you that he likes you?

A. Yes one time

B. No

C. Don’t remember

D. Yes oftenly

6. Has he asked your opinion about things?

A. Yes on something related to me

B. Yes on everything

C. No

D. Don’t remember

7. How many times did he shop for you?

A. Every time I go for shopping

B. Sometimes when he feels free

C. When I ask forcefully

D. Never shopped for me in life


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