Have you ever had a crush on someone? If yes, congratulations! Have you ever thought about what impression do they have of you in their mind? Do they think of you or talk about you to their friends? You must be wondering about these questions. You must be wanting to know what does your crush feels about you? Do they get the same feelings as you? Let us evaluate the feelings of your crush towards you. Answer the 10 questions below and you will have a result.
1. Do you ever talk to them?
A. Yes, all the time
B. Sometimes when they got time
C. Yes, they free their time for me
D. Nope, they ignore me
2. Did they ever make laugh?
A. No, they are always serious around me
B. Sometime along with other friends
C. Occassionally
D. Yes, they really make me laugh a lot
3. Have you ever found them staring at you?
A. No, they don't make any eye contact with me ever
B. Yes, but not sure if it's me
C. Yes, and I smile back too
D. Yes, I often find him staring and stare back at him too
4. When do you talk with each other?
A. Everytime
B. We often have a word in the need of help
C. Generally have a word whenever free
D. They don't have time to talk to me
5. Have you ever gone out with them?
A. Yes, once in a week we plan an outing
B. Yes, but along with friends
C. Once, just for work
D. No, we are not having a this much good connection
6. Have you ever heard from their friend that if they like you?
A. Yes, everyone tells me
B. Yes, one of his friend just thought
C. No, no one ever said
D. Yes, but I feel they are joking
7. What do you find in his behavior when they are with their friends?
A. Ignores me
B. Just waves with a smile
C. Invites me to meet them and sit along
D. Comes out to specially meet me
8. Have you ever found that they flirt with you?
A. Yes, they always flirt with me
B. Sometimes
C. Not exactly flirt just a good talk
D. Nope, we hardly talk
9. Have your friends ever teased you both as a couple?
A. Yes, always
B. Sometimes when he is not around
C. Yes, but as a joke
D. Never, I wish they did
10. What do they do when you see them?
A. Smiles back at me
B. Starts staring back but for mere seconds
C. Ignores Me
D. Stares back at me and winks
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