Drone Safety Guidelines Quiz: How Much You Know About Drone Safety Guidelines?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 710 | Recent Updated: 06-Feb-2021
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Aviation safety regulator BCAS has issued guidelines for drone operational systems. Under this, CCTV cameras have been asked to be installed inside the drone. The BCAS has listed the rules that should be followed in relation to training and background checks of staff for drone operational systems. The Remotely Operated Aircraft (RPA), its associated operational centers, its necessary command and control links, etc. together form the Remotely Operated Air System (RPAS). The guidelines of the Civil Aviation Safety Bureau (BCAS) states, RPA and Be sure to install CCTV cameras within the storage capacity. Ability to keep 30-day recording for all types of drone aircraft except small and micro. The guidelines state that the drone should be prepared for flight in such a way as to prevent tampering. Let's know more about Drone Safety Guidelines.

Questions Excerpt

1. Professional drone pilots are that they can only fly at a maximum altitude of:

A. 100 feet

B. 400 feet

C. 800 feet

D. 1000 feet

2. A 2016 law required the __________ to develop a remote identification standar.





3. How many Drone you can fly at one time?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. More then one

4. You must keep your drone at least ______________ metres away from other people.

A. 10 metres

B. 30 metres

C. 50 metres

D. 80 metres

5. How to stop drones from flying over the house?

A. Anti-Drone Drones

B. Anti-Drone Birds

C. Anti-Drone Jammers

D. All of the above

6. Which of the following is an example of temporary (TFR) or permanent flight restriction?

A. No fly zone over sensitive areas such as Washington D.C

B. No fly zone put in place over active public safety emergencies as fire fighting operations

C. No fly zone put in place over large sporting events

D. All of the above-mentioned

7. What is the meaning of { FAA}?

A. Flying Airplane Administration

B. Federal Aviation Administration

C. Flight Association of America

D. None of these

8. The Tello drones are not required to be registered because:

A. They are used for educational purposes

B. They weigh under 0.55 pounds

C. They were purchased online

D. All of the above

9. In which where you can get a Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Science, including a focus on Unmanned Aerial Systems?

A. Elizabeth City State University

B. NC State University

C. University of North Carolina

D. None of the above

10. You have to be able to see the drone at all times that's means:

A. In the line of fight

B. In the line of light

C. In the line of sight

D. In the line of night

11. People should never fly over groups of people because:

A. They will interfere with the drone

B. You could crash and hurt someone

C. They will want to fly the drone too

D. All of the above

12. Which of the following are the forces acting on an aircraft?

A. Thrust

B. Drag

C. Lift

D. All of the above


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