Electrical Conductors and Insulators Trivia Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1969 | Recent Updated: 27-Sep-2020
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Substances found in nature in which electric charge can move freely from one place to another i.e. conductors are those substances in which charge flow can occur easily. Since charge flows in conductive materials, we can also say that current flows easily in these materials. The silver good conductor but it is not used due to its expensive cost. Substances found in nature in which the charge cannot flow, that is, the current cannot flow through these substances, they are called insulators or conductors or non-conductive materials. These materials are used in places where we do not have to allow the flow of electric current, as the parts of electrical equipment are made of rubber or plastic, here rubber and plastic are anti-electric material because the electric current cannot flow through them. Let's Take an Awesome Trivia Quiz About Electrical Conductors and Insulators.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who not store energy in a magnetic field?

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Insulator

D. None of these

2. With what does resistance increase?

A. Flow of electron

B. Temperature increase

C. Temperature decrease

D. All of the above

3. In which the conductor band is filled with electrons?

A. Insulator

B. Conductor

C. Both of above

D. None of these

4. Most good electrical conductors are also good conductors of ________.

A. Heat

B. Charge

C. Electron

D. All of the above

5. In which metal does the valence bond remain vacant?

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Insulator

D. None of the above

6. The higher the temperature the lower the ________________ as resistance increases with temperature.

A. Resistance

B. Conductivity

C. Temperature

D. None of the above

7. Conductance is the inverse of what measurement?

A. Voltage

B. Capacitance

C. Inductance

D. Resistance

8. What do we call a substance that has a resistance of zero?

A. Major conductor

B. Minor insulator

C. Superconductor

D. None of these

9. Which substance has the same electrical potential at all points?

A. Conducting material

B. Insulating material

C. Semiconducting material

D. All of the above

10. Which one is the name of the scientist who discovered conductivity?

A. Charles François

B. Stephen Gray

C. Francis Hauksbee

D. William Gilbert

11. When was classified various substances into conductors and insulators of electricity?

A. In 1714

B. In 1764

C. In 1744

D. In 1734

12. Which one is the type of insulator?

A. Pin Insulator

B. Suspension Insulator

C. Both of the above

D. None of these


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