General Physics Question And Answer

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 705 | Recent Updated: 02-May-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Physics is a branch of science which deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the basic constituents of the universe. The main goal of physics is to understand the behavior of the universe. So take this quiz and know more about the common questions of physics.

Questions Excerpt

1. The quantity of electricity is called....

A. Electron

B. Charge

C. Coulomb

D. Ohm

2. Presbyopia defect can be corrected by....

A. Concave lens

B. Convex lens

C. Biofocal lens

D. None of these

3. A normal eye can see an object clearly that ....

A. 11cm

B. 21cm

C. 20cm

D. 25cm

4. Which one of the following is the working principle of a washing machine?

A. Centrifugation

B. Diffusion

C. Reverse osmosis

D. All of these

5. In which medium, the light has minimum speed?

A. Water

B. Glass

C. Vaccum

D. Air

6. Which one of the following is not a vector quantity?

A. Distance

B. Displacement

C. Velocity

D. Speed

7. In the water, air bubbles act as ....

A. Concave lens

B. Convex lens

C. Both of these

D. None of these

8. Raindrops acquire spherical shape due to....

A. Friction

B. Torque

C. Surface tension

D. Elasticity

9. In which condition, air pressure is usually high?

A. Cool and dry

B. Cool and moist

C. Warm and dry

D. Warm and moist

10. What is the SI unit of pressure?

A. Meter

B. Pascal

C. Newton

D. None of these


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