Herdmania is a group of marine invertebrates. They are sedentary filter feeders and are generally produced in gregarious manner. They are approximately 6-13 cm long, 4-7 cm in breadth and brownish in color. Filter feeding is generally found in small to medium size marine animals lacking backbone, however it can be also seen in large marine animals. The animal is hermaphrodite. Try this Herdmania trivia quiz and mark the highest score!
1. Test (tunic) of Herdmania is a thick protective covering. The test is composed of tunicine which is a
A. protein
B. fat
C. polysaccharide
D. nucleic acid
2. To which class does Herdmania belongs?
A. Ascidiacea
B. Polyphyletic class
C. Chordata
D. Animalia
3. The genus is recorded to go to the depth __________ of the sea.
A. 9m – 21 m
B. 18m – 40m
C. 14m – 23m
D. 23m – 35m
4. Herdmania is __________
A. androgyne
B. monoecious
C. Hermaphrodite
D. Pseudohermaphrodite
5. What is the average size of Herdmania?
A. 8 cm
B. 8.5 cm
C. 9 cm
D. 9.5 cm
6. Tentacles surrounding the mouth are known as?
A. branchial tentacles
B. atrial tentacles
C. Cnidaria tentilla
D. chemoreceptors
7. Tentacles surrounding the Atriopore are known as?
A. branchial tentacles
B. atrial tentacles
C. Cnidaria tentilla
D. chemoreceptors
8. Herdmania body is covered with?
A. Mantle
B. Hair
C. Fur
D. Dry Scales
9. Cell types in Herdmania are?
A. Amoeboid cells
B. Eosinophilous cells
C. Granular cells
D. All of the above
10. The mantle is composed of?
A. An outer epidermis
B. A median layer of muscles and fibres
C. An inner ectodermal layer lining the atrium.
D. All of the above
11. What is Herdmania test?
A. Presence of bright red patches in the blood vessel
B. Presence of bright yellow patches in the blood vessel
C. Presence of darkish patches in the blood vessel
D. Presence of white patches in the blood vessel
12. What is the other name of Herdmania?
B. Cynthia Momus
C. Brown Sea Squirt
D. All of the above
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