Every human being wants a healthy relationship with their partner but some of them don't experience it. Some people have a bad relationship in their life and scratches of these relationships always remain with the person. There are lots of reason for a bad relationship like financial condition, trust issue, and communication gap. So take this quiz and know how bad is your relationship?
1. Are you agree with the decision of your partner?
A. No
B. Most of the time
C. Sometimes
D. When i feel it is right then i am agree if not then i am not agree for it.
2. In any argument, what is the bad thing you have done with your partner?
A. Insulting him/her in public
B. Throw objects
C. Don't share important thing with your partner
D. Lots of time try to ignore him/her
3. How many people know about the condition of your relationship?
A. Your entire family
B. Only your best friend
C. Only your sister
D. My best support my mother
4. What kind of relationship do you think with your partner?
A. Not too long
B. One year
C. Long term
D. Short term
5. What is the viewpoint of your family towards your relationship?
A. They don't like it
B. They don't know about it
C. They don't like my partner
D. They do argument with my partner
6. What is the reason for your argument?
A. Financial condition
B. Without any reason
C. Due to different view point
D. No time for each other
7. Do you think that anything is common between you and your partner?
A. I don't think so
B. May be we have some common things
C. Way of expressing love
D. Only your work
8. What is the reason when you go outside with your partner?
A. For household work
B. For enjoyment
C. For spending time together
D. Other reason
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