Every zodiac sign has certain characteristics attached to it and studying all of them is a task in itself, and that is when we come to rescue. By gathering data from multiple sources and integrating it in the form of fun quizzes, we can let you know how Libra you are. Libras are generally warm-hearted and loving people who are considered extroverted in nature. Even if you do not possess all these qualities, do not hesitate to try this quiz.
1. What color would you paint your room?
A. White or grey
B. Blue or green
C. Pink or peach
D. Chocolate or brown
2. What is your relationship status?
A. Single
B. Committed
C. Married
D. Engaged
3. What is your desired career field?
A. Medical
B. Art
C. Law
D. Other
4. What sounds like the best weekend plan?
A. Dinner with family
B. Movie with friends
C. Date night
D. Staying at home
5. What type of video games do you like the most?
A. Strategy
B. Action
C. Puzzle
D. None
6. What do you look for in a partner?
A. Loyalty
B. Love
C. Looks
D. Money
7. What do you consider yourself?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Ambivert
D. All based on situations
8. How do you prefer working?
A. In a team with equally distributed work
B. Individually
C. I prefer being the boss and order others to work
D. Depends on work type
9. Rate how confident are you in public, out of 10?
A. Zero to 3
B. 4 to 6
C. 7 to 9
D. 10
10. At what age did you have your first relationship?
A. Below 15
B. 16 to 20
C. 21 to 30
D. After 30
11. What do you expect from your friends?
A. To always make me happy
B. To call me daily
C. To be there when I need
D. I don't expect anything from them
12. What type of gifts do you prefer receiving?
A. Chocolates
B. Soft toys
C. Flowers
D. Candles
13. Which word best describes you?
A. Party animal
B. Expressive
C. Creative
D. Responsible
14. What is your worst fear?
A. Losing my family
B. Losing all my money
C. Losing my friends
D. Break up
15. What is your favorite midnight snack?
A. Noodles
B. Chips
C. Cereal
D. Smoothie
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