Do you act childish? There is no harm in allowing your inner child to come out sometimes. Yet it is expected to show maturity when needed. If you are in a quest to explore yourself let's help you in finding out how mature you are. This quiz is a really fun way, to tell the truth. Your honest answer will reveal an accurate result.
1. Do you still watch animation series?
A. Sometimes
B. I watch all
C. I love them
D. I watch a kids’ show but that is not animated
2. What you people talk about when you hang out with friends?
A. Talk, talk, and more talk useless stuff
B. It’s like ‘truth and dares’
C. Discuss meaningful things
D. I don’t have a friend circle
3. Do you believe in holding back when the argument grows fierce?
A. Yes, this the only way to stop it
B. No, I say lots of shit things
C. I try hard to calm myself before reaching abusing level
D. No, I can’t hold my anger
4. How do you react when your friend suddenly rived off from lunch?
A. You blame him/her
B. Feel sorry
C. You giggle
D. Laugh out loud with others
5. How do you react when you are watching movies and kids are talking too loud?
A. You talk louder than them
B. You scold them
C. You ask them to be little quite
D. You are pissed off & exit
6. You fall in which age bracket?
A. 0-10 years
B. 11-20 years
C. 21-30 years
D. 31+ years
7. Have you ever been jailed?
A. Yes
B. Never
C. I am in jail right now
D. I don’t want to disclose
8. How many GF/BF had you besides the present one?
A. One
B. Two
C. None
D. Uncountable
9. Do you believe aliens exist?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Can’t say
D. Sometimes I have to believe
10. How do people around you see you?
A. Drama queen
B. An icon
C. Irresponsible
D. Sweet & helping
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