Everything comes with a price tag and money sure seems like the solution to everything when you look at your credit card bill. Don’t we all wish to be billionaires? Being financially affluent seems like such a stress-free life. Are you leading a life that you dreamt of? Have you thought how much money do you need to make for a comfortable life for you? Take the quiz to find out.
1. How old are you?
A. 13-19
B. 20-30
C. 31-60
D. Above 60
2. What is your profession?
A. Entrepreneur
B. Business
C. Looking for a job
D. Retired
3. Do you keep track of all your expenses?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Only when I’m broke
D. No
4. Are you willing to compromise your current lifestyle for a better future?
A. Absolutely
B. Not sure
C. I don’t know
D. No
5. How do you want to spend your weekend?
A. Partying in my private yacht
B. Movie with friends
C. Meditating alone
D. Doing a weekend job for some extra cash
6. Would you take immoral ways to earn money?
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. Maybe, if I need the money badly
D. Never
7. Are you in debt?
A. Yes
B. Yes, but someone else will pay for it
C. I had one but I paid it off
D. No
8. Do you like buying designer clothes?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Once in a long while
D. No
9. Can you survive if you were broke?
A. No
B. Maybe
C. I have already survived that life
D. Yes
10. What do you think about a vacation across Europe?
A. I’d do anything to go
B. If someone else pays for it, I’m in
C. If I can afford it, I’ll go
D. Sounds like a waste of money
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