Millennials are leading the generation! Well, there's no doubt in stating this fact. There have been growing stereotypes about these Millenials. If you are at a university then you might have been distracted or fallen by the clueless generation of the millennials. Getting criticized by a lot of people is not a big deal for these millennials. Laziness, running life, and distracted are some of the stereotypes that are definitely not true. You must try this quiz and we will find out how close you live up to these negative stereotypes?
1. Which statement fits you the most?
A. I have credit card debt
B. I am independent soul
C. I've been called lazy a lot of time
D. I like avocado toast
2. How much do you use smartphones?
A. At least 10 times in a day
B. I'm always on phone
C. Never
D. Pretty Often
3. Are you living with your parents?
A. Yes, till I pay my student's loans
B. For a little bit after college
C. Just left them after school
D. Yes, happily
4. In the past 2 years, how many jobs you had?
A. 6+
B. 2-3
C. 2
D. 1
5. What will you do if your partner sends you a pic from a party?
A. I don't care
B. Snap a selfie back
C. Ask them why didn't they tell me
D. I am okay !
6. How many hours you are in the office in a week, if you really love your work?
A. 10+
B. I'd prefer a flexible enviornment
C. Not any moment
D. 50
7. How do your friends describe you?
A. Adventurous
B. Generous
C. Lazy
D. Chaotic
8. Which color do you find most appealing?
A. Black
B. Light Pink
C. Brown
D. White
9. Which is your favorite source of news?
A. Gossips
B. Newspapers
C. Social Media
10. Do you prefer a simple life or hi-fi life?
A. Depends
B. Purely HI-FI
C. Simple
D. Kind of both
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