Do you like animals? Do you like to read about them way too often? Do you like to know more about unique animals that are not found more anywhere? If yes, then you must have known or heard about Koala? Do you know all the facts about the animal? Have you ever thought of testing your knowledge in the facts and uniqueness of these animals? For all the animal lovers, we bring a very interesting trivia quiz that will let you get a high score? Try out this quiz and see how much you know about Koala animals?
1. What is the lifespan of Koala bear?
A. 1-5
B. 20-24
C. 10-12
D. 13-18
2. What is the family of the Koala bear called?
A. Psytriochart
B. Cleptomaniac
C. Phascolarctidae
D. None of the above
3. What is the scientific name of Koala?
A. Phascolarctos cinnano
B. Phascolarctos cinereus
C. Prototype cinereus
D. Prototype cineriao
4. In which trophic level do Koala live?
A. Herbivorous
B. Carnivorus
C. Anivorous
D. All of the above
5. From which class does Koala belong to?
A. Animalia
B. Phascolarctos cinereus
C. Wild Animal
D. Mammalia
6. What is one characteristic of Koala?
A. They are very wild
B. They are too shy
C. They are very cute
D. They are so naive
7. Where can Koala be found?
A. Europe
B. Australia
C. Russia
D. Amsterdam
8. Which body part is the strongest in Koala?
A. Cartilage
B. Thighs
C. Nose
D. Arms
9. Which type of food does Koala eats?
A. Flesh
B. Fruits
C. Banana Leaves
D. Eucalyptus leaves
10. How many hours of sleep does a Koala require?
A. 20 hours
B. 17 hours
C. 18 hours
D. 10 hours
11. Which disease is Koala vulnerable to?
A. Cancer
B. Chlamydia
C. Diabetes
D. None of the above
12. Which activity is a danger to Koala?
A. Tree Clearing
B. Hunting
C. Drowning
D. Wild Animals
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