The film involves inadvertently killing, repentance, and revenge. A man gets gunshot but was helped by none, soon a medical student Chandru takes him to the home and treats him. Soon he realizes that he was a criminal and police reaches out for him but the Wolf ( the injured man) run away before police can reach him. The police then blackmail Chandru to kill the wolf. When Chandru finds out Wolf, they both eventually get kidnapped by the men of Thamba in the van. They both manage to escape and soon Chandru realizes the truth of Wolf.
1. Who was the wolf in the story?
A. A criminal
B. Thief
C. Policeman
D. A medical student
2. Who helped wolf while he was a gunshot?
A. Thamba
B. Lamb
C. Chandru
D. Policeman
3. Who was Chandru by profession?
A. Engineer
B. A medical student
C. Scientist
D. Police officer
4. What was the character of Wolf in the film?
A. Arrogant criminal
B. Brutal murder
C. A psychopath criminal
D. Repentant criminal
5. What was the character of Thamba in the film?
A. A revengeful criminal
B. A psychopath criminal
C. Innocent person
D. A serial killer
6. Why Chandru helped Wolf after knowing that he was a criminal?
A. He want to save his life
B. He was betrayed by the police officers
C. He got to know that the wolf is not evil as depicted by the police
D. He had hatred for Thamba
7. Why Thamba wanted to kill Wolf?
A. He surrendered the police officers
B. He stopped working for Thamba
C. He didn’t brought the money for him
D. He was taking care of the blind persons
8. How many numbers of female actors in the lead role is?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 0
9. How many numbers of songs are there in the film?
A. 3
B. 0
C. 1
D. 2
10. Why wolf shot himself in the last?
A. He didn’t wanted to surrender himself alive two police officers
B. He wanted to commit suicide
C. He believed that Chandru will take care of the girl
D. He didn’t wanted to surrender himself alive to Thamba
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