Quiz: How Much You Know About The Cause of Heart Attack?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 524 | Recent Updated: 28-Nov-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
World Heart Day is celebrated every year in the last week of September. Organized by the World Heart Federation since 2000. It is celebrated every year in a theme base manner to make people aware of heart diseases. Every fifth person in India is a heart patient. Heart attacks are considered among the biggest diseases of the heart. This may also be due to our catering. Blood circulation occurs in our body from the heart itself. Performs the work of transporting pure blood to every part of the body. It is very important to control cholesterol levels to prevent heart diseases. For heart patients, there is always confusion as to what type of food they should eat or how not to eat, you should consult a heart specialist. According to the World Heart Federation, at least 80% of premature deaths (due to heart diseases) are controlled by the four main factors such as poor diet, tobacco use, non-exercise, and alcohol consumption. Diseases can be controlled.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the theme of the 2019 world heart day?

A. Clean Heart, Good Heart

B. My Heart, Your Heart

C. Heart disease awareness

D. All of above

2. Exercising for about _______ minutes two to three times a week is very beneficial for the heart.

A. 60 minutes

B. 50 minutes

C. 30 minutes

D. 20 minutes

3. The antioxidants and flavonoids present in, which chocolate are known to promote a healthy heart?

A. Brown chocolate

B. Colourless chocolate

C. Dark chocolate

D. None of these

4. Every day, your heart beats (which means it expands and contracts) an impressive ______________ times.

A. 166,666 times

B. 100,000 times

C. 199,000 times

D. 199,990 times

5. Even if all the nerves to your heart were cut, it would keep beating if separated from your body. That's because the heart has its own ____________ system?

A. Oxygen generation system

B. Electrical system

C. Protection system

D. All of above

6. A broken heart can...

A. Really hurt

B. Be seen on an X-ray

C. Last forever

D. None of these

7. How many gallons of blood does your heart pump each day?

A. 1,000 gallons

B. 4,000 gallons

C. 2,000 gallons

D. 3,000 gallons

8. When was the first successful human heart transplant?

A. In 1946

B. In 1967

C. In 1975

D. In 2000

9. How many ribs down is your heart?

A. 23 ribs

B. 24 ribs

C. 22 ribs

D. 10 ribs

10. How many chambers are in the human heart?

A. 8 chambers

B. 6 chambers

C. 4 chambers

D. 2 chambers

11. The heart has been linked with love at least as far back as:

A. Elizabethan times

B. The Middle Ages

C. The '60s

D. All of above

12. How big is a woman's heart?

A. Woman's heart is smaller than a man's heart

B. Woman's heart is 118 grams a man's heart weighs 60 grams

C. Having veins that are an average of 1 mm thinner than men's

D. All of above


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