There exists specifically a place in our hearts for the place we live in! Of course, that has to be our rooms, since we've spent the most time there in every mood. There are certain times we think that we must decorate our room since psychologically it knows a lot about us! The way and the things with which we decorate our rooms with tells a lot about our mindfulness and creative thinking. have you ever thought about how might your room be decorated by you? Try out this very interesting quiz to see which personality and lifestyles suit you the best!
1. What is your personality?
A. Generous
B. Smart
C. Adventurous
D. Quirky
2. How often do you socialize?
A. Very often
B. Often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Introverted Extrovert
C. Extroverted Introvert
D. Extrovert
4. How many friends do you have?
A. 2-3
B. A lot of friends
C. A group of 7
D. Just one best friend
5. Choose your favorite color?
A. Black
B. Blue
C. Purple
D. White
6. How often do you stress?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
7. What will you prefer for breakfast?
A. Toast
B. Salad
C. Burger
D. Oats
8. How messy is your room?
A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Messy but only occassionally
D. Always
9. Where will you like to travel?
A. Forests
B. Beaches
C. Countryside
D. Mountains
10. Do you like having other people in your group?
A. Somewhat agree
B. Somewhat disagree
C. Agree
D. Disagree
11. What do you like to see outside your bedroom window
A. Jungle
B. Paris
C. Darkness
D. The street where I grew up
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