In today's technical era, Smartphones are our life and we can say this plays a big role in everyone life. Everyone wishes to get the best phone according to our requirements. There has always been a war between Android and iPhone users in the market. If you can buy a phone but are also wondering at the same time which one is best then take the quiz to understand which smartphone is best for you.
1. On an average basis, how many times do you use your phone?
A. All day long
B. 2 to 3 hours
C. 5 to 6 hours
D. Only for 1 hour
2. How many incoming and outgoing text messages do you have in a day?
A. None
B. 5 to 10
C. 30+
D. 60+
3. In which social media platform you have a profile?
A. Facebook
B. Whatsapp
C. Instagram
D. All of them
4. How do your friends describe you?
A. A rich person
B. Independent
C. Serious
D. Social
5. Would you ever have a phone in the past?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I use my dad phone
D. Yes but for 2 months only
6. Why would you want a phone?
A. For communication
B. For my brand promotion
C. To connect new people
D. To make a boyfriend/girlfriend
7. What is your hobby?
A. Watching TV
B. Spending time on Social Media
C. Talk with family
D. Shopping
8. On a daily basis, how much time spending on social media?
A. More than 8 hours
B. More than 4 hours
C. Around 1 to 3 hours
D. No, i do not use social media
9. What is your lifestyle?
A. Very expensive
B. Average lifestyle
C. Medium lifestyle
D. Dont think on this
10. What's your photography style?
A. I love capturing high-quality photos
B. I take pictures of special moments
C. A decent camera is fine
D. I rarely take photos
11. How important is battery life to you?
A. My phone dies quickly if I don't have a charger nearby
B. It needs to last a full day
C. I can usually find a charger throughout the day
D. Battery life isn't a major concern for me
12. Do any of these features sound particularly appealing?
A. High refresh rate display for smooth visuals
B. Storage for holding lots of photos and music
C. Security features for work or privacy
D. Design or stylish color
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