After passing school, college is the best source to get an education for the future. End up at the right college always helps you to choose the right career path for future preference. Take our quiz for inspiration that strives to match students to colleges that will enable long-term growth.
1. How would you react when you are stressed?
A. Study
B. Drink a lot
C. Play video games
D. Eat lots of junk
2. Does placement really matter to you?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Somewhere
D. Not it all
3. What are your study habits?
A. Believe in regular studies
B. A last-minute student
C. I love to do a group study
D. Copy someone else's work
4. What is more valuable for you?
A. Sports
B. Education
C. Party
D. Acting
5. Is the name and reputation of the college matters?
A. Not very
B. Somewhat
C. Very important
D. Not at all
6. What’s an ideal college environment?
A. Crowded
B. Popular
C. Great architecture
D. Hygienic cafeteria zone
7. How’s your family status?
A. Rich
B. Poor
C. Medium
D. Very rich
8. What would you do for a living?
A. Join a band
B. Be an actress
C. I might do marine biology
D. None of the above
9. What kind of classes do you like?
A. Labs
B. Small classes
C. Any class
D. Lectures
10. Pick one of the following
A. I’ll be cooking my meals
B. I request my neighbor to cook a food for me
C. In the Cafeteria
D. Local coffee shops and restaurants
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