The presence of someone relaxes you and you can talk for hours to this guy without pause. Do you like to spend countless hours with this person? How smooth is your relationship, it is important to find out. Do you give him/her more important than anything else? Find out his/her place in your life by answering this 10 fun quiz with honest answers.
1. How do you feel when you watch a romantic film?
A. Wish to have a love story like it
B. It is cute
C. Get romantic vibes dreaming about your partner
D. Force you to believe in love
2. How do you feel when you hear someone special’s name?
A. I get butterflies in my stomach
B. It brings a smile on my face
C. Nostalgic, fill the heart with the romance
D. Let’s not make it big
3. You feel special when talking to someone?
A. Yes
B. I completely blackout
C. I get nervous
D. I become overly happy
4. How many times do you see this person?
A. Once a day
B. All the time
C. I wake with his/her thoughts
D. I do not meet in person
5. What do think about seeing a couple walking hand in hand down the pathway?
A. It makes me think of a special friend
B. Cute
C. Nothing special
D. Romantic
6. How long do you know this person?
A. Since my childhood
B. We went to the same school
C. We are working together for years
D. We met a few months before
7. How are you related to this person?
A. My sister/ brother
B. We are close pals
C. We were schoolmates
D. Friend of my siblings
8. How do you want to spend time with him/her?
A. Go for a long drive
B. Watch movie
C. Stay at home, spending time with each other
D. Hang out in groups
9. If you were to compare with him/her with a flower, what it would be?
A. Rose
B. Lotus
C. Cauliflower
D. How can I compare a real guy with a flower?
10. Do you go buy grocery that is far from your place but near to this person’s house?
A. Yes, always
B. Yes, most of the time
C. No, it is wastage of time
D. Never
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