You must have a deep passion in relation to your girlfriend. But, you sometimes in an intense or light mood want to know how much you know your girlfriend. Do you know her smallest desire or fantasies? It is about the intensity of your relationship. Try this fun couples’ quiz to dig out your understanding of your other half.
1. Do you know her favorite food?
A. Not specific
B. I have rough idea
C. Yes. I cook for her
D. I even know the restaurant from which she orders her favorite food
2. Do you know her celebrity crush?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I have a doubt
D. It keeps on changing
3. Does she share her joys and sorrows with you?
A. Every single
B. Not really
C. Sometimes if she is comfortable to
D. Only when I ask again & again
4. What gift does she expect from you on her birthday?
A. Candy & flowers
B. Giant teddy
C. A surprise birthday party
D. Vacation
5. Do you remember her last fight, with whom it was?
A. No, I don't know
B. Parents
C. Her best friend
D. Me...Yes, ofcourse
6. What do you talk about with her?
A. How much we love each other
B. Career & life decisions
C. Everything
D. Well, that's a secrete
7. How would you tackle the situation when you want to watch the movie that your girlfriend doesn't want to?
A. I watch her choice of movie
B. Let her watch her choice alone
C. I will accompany her and sleep in theatre
D. I am clueless
8. Do you know her biggest fear?
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. No
D. She only has physical fears
9. How secretive is she?
A. She can't keep secretes
B. Not sure
C. She don't keep secretes from me
D. She is a mystery
10. Can she handle any crisis?
A. Yes she is a mature independent girl
B. Yes I am always with her
C. I hope so
D. No, she can't
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