How Well You Know About Foreign Direct Investment FDI Trivia Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 651 | Recent Updated: 22-Apr-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The investment made by a company of one country in another country is called Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). With such investment, the investors get some share in the management of the company in the other country in which its money is invested. It is generally believed that to get FDI status to an investment, at least a foreign investor has to buy 10% shares in the company. Along with this, he also has to acquire a franchise in an investment company. Particularly the objective is to participate in the management of enterprises when lending long term by a parent company to its subsidiary. India has changed the rules of its FDI. Any company or individual of a country that shares a direct land border with India will have to take permission from the Government of India to invest in India. Let's know much more About Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Questions Excerpt

1. India is the fourth largest FDI source for which the Arab nation?

A. Qatar

B. Iraq

C. Iran

D. All of the above

2. In which year did Austria terrify its EU partners by involving them at a party?

A. 1999

B. 1995

C. 1996

D. 1998

3. When capital and labor are moved internationally to will develop the...

A. Gains more from trade

B. Gains more from income

C. Economic growth gains

D. All of the above

4. In which index did India rank 8th on, April 20, 2017?

A. Morgan Stanley Index

B. AT Kearney FDI Confidence Index

C. Moody's Rating

D. None of these

5. When a country is specialized in particular good and then trade with other countries is called

A. Agreement

B. Dependence

C. Interdependence

D. Correlation

6. Which industry characteristics will have free entry?

A. T-shirt silk screening

B. Mineral mining

C. Cable television

D. Satellite radio

7. How will the offer curve react when customers are heterogeneous?

A. Positive quadrant

B. Negative quadrant

C. Zero quadrant

D. All of the above

8. Foreign Direct Investment includes which of the following?

A. Intangible Goods

B. Tangible Good

C. Intellectual Property

D. None of these

9. For spreading information the Foreign policy decision-makers rely on...

A. Politicians

B. Bureaucrats

C. Public

D. None of these

10. India has retained its ranking as the 10th highest recipient of FDI in 2015, according to which UNCTAD report?

A. World Investment Report 2010

B. World Investment Report 2012

C. World Investment Report 2014

D. World Investment Report 2016


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