Do you ever ride a bicycle, if you have ever ridden it, then you may know how easy to ride it? World Bicycle Day is celebrated around the world in the month of June, World Bicycle Day draws attention to the benefits of using the bicycle as a simple, affordable, clean, and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation. Bicycle contributes to cleaner air and less congestion and makes education, health care, and other social services more accessible to the most vulnerable populations. Bicycle is a sustainable transport system that promotes economic growth and reduces inequalities while bolstering the fight against climate change is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. So let's start this quiz and know more interesting facts about World Bicycle Day and Bicycle.
1. Who invented the Bicycle?
A. Karl Benz
B. André Citroën
C. Karl von Drais
D. Pierre Michaux
2. When was the bicycle invented?
A. 1817
B. 1827
C. 1917
D. 1927
3. On which day do we celebrate World Bicycle Day?
A. 5 June
B. 7 June
C. 3 June
D. 9 June
4. What country invented the first bicycle?
A. India
B. German
C. France
D. England
5. Who created World Bicycle Day?
A. Alexander Winton
B. Pierre-Joseph Ravel
C. George B. Selden
D. Professor Leszek Sibilski
6. Which of the following year World Bicycle Day was created?
A. 2008
B. 2015
C. 2018
D. 2020
7. How many bicycles are in the world?
A. 2 Billion
B. 1 Billion
C. 5 Billion
D. 3 Billion
8. Who invented the first bicycle in India?
A. Karl Benz
B. Martin Cooper
C. Adam Osborne
D. Karl Drais
9. When was the bicycle introduced in India?
A. 1790
B. 1890
C. 1590
D. 1990
10. Which country has the most bicycles?
A. China
B. India
C. Japan
D. England
11. What country is cycling most popular?
A. Japan
B. Germany
C. Netherlands
D. United States
12. Who is the first cyclist in the world?
A. André Citroën
B. Karl von Drais
C. Pierre Michaux
D. Thomas Stevens
13. Which city is known as the city of Bicycle?
A. Delhi
B. Calcutta
C. Punjab
D. Maharashtra
14. Which country is known as the city of bicycles?
A. Europe
B. England
C. France
D. Netherlands
15. How many bicycles are sold in the world each year?
A. 05 to 10 Million
B. 15 to 20 million
C. 10 to 15 million
D. 30 to 50 million
16. What's the core of a bicycle called?
A. Seat post
B. Bracket
C. Frame
D. None of these
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