Intelligence Theory Quiz: How Much You Know About Intelligence Theory?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 2436 | Recent Updated: 01-Feb-2021
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We all understand the meaning of creativity in our lives because we'll know how fast the world is changing for us. Enormous changes are there now in the minds of people, that every person wanted to be called intelligent. But what is intelligent? There is a theory called the Intelligence Theory, which states all about the facts unsaid or unknown about intelligence. Often people believe having good grades or good memory means intelligence. But there's a lot in store for the same! Do you think you know it all about the theory and can answer all the questions? Then try out this finest trivia Intelligence theory quiz and set your best score!!

Questions Excerpt

1. Who was the person to first introduce the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to larger audiences?

A. Jackie Robinson

B. Steve Howie

C. Howard Johnson

D. Howard Gadner

2. How many different intelligences are there?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 8

D. 80

3. This intelligence means you have great rhythm, a knack for creating, singing or playing melodies. Name it?

A. Linguistic intelligence

B. Musical intelligence

C. Musically intelligent

D. None of the above

4. People of this intelligence can talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

A. Interpersonal Intelligence

B. Intrapersonal Intelligence

C. Linguistic Intelligence

D. Musical Intelligence

5. Someone with this intelligence would have a really good handle on their own views and opinions, feelings and anxieties, and even goals and dreams.

A. Musical Intelligence

B. Linguistic Intelligence

C. Interpersonal Intelligence

D. Intrapersonal Intelligence

6. These people are those who know where the car is parked, as relationships in space - like which mall entracnce you came in and which way you went- stick in their brains and make sense.

A. Bodily Intelligence

B. Space Intelligence

C. Spatial Intelligence

D. Spacing Intelligence

7. These are the people who excel at using their bodies-dancers, athleted, certain acotrs or comedians, and just about anyone who has a talent for movement, whether it comes down to manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, or complex whole-body endeavors

A. Musical Intelligence

B. Bodily-Kenesthetic Intelligence

C. Spatial Intelligence

D. All of the above

8. These people are good at finding patterns and completing mathematical equations. They see relationships between numbers, but also between effects and causes.

A. Logical -Mathematical Intelligence

B. Spatial Intelligence

C. Bodily-Kenesthetic Intelligence

D. Space Intelligence

9. These folks like words and gravitate toward the rhythm, meter, sound, or meaning of words.

A. Spatial Intelligence

B. Oral Intelligence

C. Musical Intelligence

D. Linguistic Intelligence

10. A person that has naturalistic intelligence....

A. Decorates House

B. Like cars

C. Works well with plants

D. None of the above

11. I am existentially intelligent, I am someone who ______?

A. Is really good at math

B. Ask a lot of why are we living questions

C. Has a green thumb for growing plants

D. Is able to get others to follow their lead

12. My mother has high interpersonal intelligence. I can tell by how ______?

A. She makes friends quickly

B. She speaks to dogs

C. Great she cooks

D. Fast she reads a book


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