The INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY has been celebrated every year on 21 June, a summer solstice, to raise global awareness about the benefits of the ancient Indian practice. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice. The idea of International yoga day was first proposed by the Prime minister of India Narendra Modi. Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity. Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as International Yoga Day by resolution 69/131. Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover a sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, can help in well-being. Let's know more about the International Day of Yoga!
1. Name the Veda which mentions the elements of yoga?
A. Yajur veda
B. Rig veda
C. Sam veda
D. Athar veda
2. Who is the first teacher of yoga?
A. Shiva
B. Brahmma
C. Patanjali
D. Vishnu
3. India celebrated its first International yoga day on ...
A. 21 June 2014
B. 21 June 2015
C. 21 June 2016
D. 21 June 2013
4. Resolution of International Yoga Day was passed in ...
A. UN Assembly
B. Indian Parliament
D. None of these
5. Which Indian introduced yoga first time in religion conference Chicago, America to the western world?
A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Narendra Modi
C. Baba Ramdev
D. Sri Sri Ravishankar
6. “Autobiography of a yogi” book is written by ...
A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Swami Agnivesh
C. Ramkrishna Paramhanssa
D. Paramhansa Yogananda
7. Crocodile pose in yoga is known as ...
A. Makrasana
B. Bhujangasana
C. Chakrasana
D. Navasana
8. Which asana improves neuromuscular coordination, alertness, balance?
A. Vajrasana
B. Bhujangasana
C. Konasan
D. Vrikhsasna
9. Who wrote the book “Light on Yoga”?
A. Dr. S. Ngendra
B. K.Pattabhi Jois
C. B.K.S.Iyengar
D. TrimulaiKrishnamacharya
10. Which body organ is mainly focused in a yogic perspective?
A. Stomach
B. Heart
C. Brain
D. Lungs
11. Utkatasana is resembles ...
A. Chair Posture
B. Tree Posture
C. Mountain Posture
D. Frog Posture
12. How many steps in one Surya Namskar round?
A. 11
B. 13
C. 10
D. 12
13. Who is called the Father of Yoga?
A. Jack LaLanne
B. Hippolyte Triat
C. Krishnamacharya
D. All of the above
14. What is the birthplace of yoga?
A. Southern India
B. Northern India
C. Western India
D. Eastern India
15. Who gave yoga to the world?
A. Sri Dharma Mittra
B. Swami Kuvalayananda
C. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
D. Sage Maharshi Patanjali
16. Who promoted yoga abroad?
A. B K S Iyengar
B. Krishnamacharya
C. Kuvalayananda
D. Swami Vivekananda
17. Who is the best yoga master in the world?
A. Patanjali
B. Jack LaLanne
C. Hippolyte Triat
D. Elena Brower
18. What is the fourth element of yoga?
A. Yama
B. Samadhi
C. Pratyahara
D. Pranayama
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