Cute or immature? A fine line between the two. Let’s help you identify whether your boyfriend acts cute just for the sake of it or he is actually immature. In a heterosexual relationship, it is common or rather appealing for one partner to be immature while the other is the guiding light of the relationship. Which one you are doesn’t only depend on your individual choice but also on what your partner offers. If you are inherently a person who wants to be babied but you have found a mate who is conventionally immature then maybe there’s some worry to do.
1. Which footwear does your boyfriend mostly wear?
A. Loafers
B. Shoes
C. Shoes without socks
D. Crocs
2. What weather conditions is he likely to hate the most?
A. Heavy raining
B. Drizzling
C. Lightning
D. A strong sunny day
3. Does your boyfriend want you to be kissing him more or for him to kiss you?
A. He wants to be kissed more
B. He kissed me more
C. He’s just happy if we’re kissing
D. He can’t stand a kiss
4. What is the number of friends in the group he hangs out with?
A. He has no friends except me
B. He has only one bestfriend
C. Group of 2-6 people
D. 6+
5. What time does your boyfriend sleep at night?
A. Before 10 PM
B. Post midnight
C. He sleeps all day
D. He is an owl
6. What is your boyfriend likely to fight about?
A. You using the bathroom first
B. You eating a few bites from his plate
C. You fefusing to makeout
D. You being less talkative
7. Is your boyfriend an Aries?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I think he is but he lies
D. I don’t believe in zodiacs, sorry
8. How ambitious is your boyfriend?
A. Very ambitious
B. Just ambitious
C. Almost ambitious
D. Not ambitious at all
9. What is your boyfriend’s favorite subject?
A. Math
B. Science
C. History
D. Language
10. What is your boyfriend’s average screen time?
A. First of all, I don’t know
B. 8+ hours
C. 4+ hours
D. Less than 2 hours
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