Major Landforms of the Earth Quiz

Questions : 9 | Total Attempts: 1172 | Recent Updated: 25-Oct-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Mountains, plateaus, and plains are some of the major terrains of the earth. Natural processes such as weathering, water, elevation, submergence, and erosion are continuously shaping the Earth's surface. It does not actually happen in a day. It takes us hundreds of thousands of years to notice these changes. Different Landforms are formed by these processes. In other words, landforms originate from geological processes. Let us understand the processes that shape landforms.

Questions Excerpt

1. The thickness of the Earth's inner core is?

A. 2220 km

B. 2240 km

C. 1221 km

D. 1270 km

2. The density of the earth's crusted layer is?

A. 3

B. 2.67

C. 5

D. 1.5

3. Earth's average density is?

A. 5.598 gcm-3

B. 5.517 gcm-3

C. 5.517 gcm-3

D. 6.520 gcm-3

4. The world's longest proptosis valley is?

A. Jordan River

B. Narmada River

C. Volga River

D. River Rhine

5. Do Graben have the darkest form?

A. Jambheji Valley

B. Jordan Valley

C. Death Valley

D. Dead Sea

6. Which of the following is a structural valley?

A. U shaped valley

B. V shaped valley

C. Hanging Valley

D. Abhinati Valley

7. Causes of soil drift are?

A. Gravity

B. Himani

C. Landslides

D. Seat Drift

8. Which element is found in maximum quantity in the crust or earth's crust on the topmost layer of the earth?

A. Hydrogen

B. Oxygen

C. Silicon

D. Calcium

9. Between whom does the Mohorovich crack form a boundary?

A. Earth's crust and mantle

B. Seal and Seema

C. Lithosphere and exosphere

D. Mantle and Earth's core


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