Materials: Metal And Nonmetal Trivia Quiz For 8th Grade Students

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 362 | Recent Updated: 05-May-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Metals and nonmetals are materials that show different properties. Metals are malleable, ductile, sonorous, hard, lustrous, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetal is not malleable, not hard, nonductile, non-lustrous, and a bad conductor of heat and electricity. Some of them show some exceptions which make them unique. So take this and know more about metal and nonmetal.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which metals are soft at room temperature?

A. Sodium

B. Potassium

C. Both of these

D. Gold

2. Which nonmetal is liquid at room temperature?

A. Sulfur

B. Oxygen

C. Carbon

D. Mercury

3. Metallic oxides are ... nature.

A. Acidic

B. Basic

C. Both of these

D. None of these

4. Which of the following does not react with water?

A. Sodium

B. Iron

C. Phosphorus

D. All of these

5. When metals react with acid then which gas is produced?

A. Oxygen

B. Nitrogen

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Hydrogen

6. Which one of the following is a very reactive nonmetal?

A. Phosphorous

B. Oxygen

C. Sulphur

D. None of these

7. Which one of the following does not react with dilute HCl but reacts with sulphuric acid?

A. Aluminum

B. Copper

C. Gold

D. Silver

8. What is the color of the copper sulfate?

A. Brown

B. Red

C. Blue

D. Green

9. Some metals react with a base to produce ...

A. Oxygen gas

B. Carbon dioxide gas

C. Hydrogen gas

D. Nitrogen gas

10. Which one of the following is more reactive than copper and iron?

A. Zinc

B. Silver

C. Calcium

D. Aluminum

11. Which one of the following catches fire when it is exposed to the air?

A. Diamond

B. Magnesium

C. Phosphorous

D. Zinc

12. Nonmetal oxides are ... in nature.

A. Acidic

B. Basic

C. Both of these

D. None of these

13. Sodium is stored in ...

A. Water

B. Coconut oil

C. Mustard oil

D. Kerosene

14. Nonmetals are used for ...

A. Water purification

B. Crackers making

C. Making fertilizer

D. All of these

15. Which nonmetal is used on the wound as an antiseptic?

A. Sulfur

B. Calcium

C. Iodine

D. Phosphorous


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