Microorganism- Friend And Foe For 8th Grade Students Quiz

Questions : 16 | Total Attempts: 381 | Recent Updated: 02-May-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Microorganisms are those organisms that can't be seen by the naked eyes. There are four types of microorganisms bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and algae. Some microorganisms are helpful for human beings and some are harmful to human beings and animals. A virus is also not seen by the naked. It is considered dead but when it is present in any living organism it comes in the category of a living organism. So take this quiz and test your knowledge about microorganisms.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following disease caused by the virus?

A. Cough

B. Polio

C. Chicken pox

D. All of these

2. Dysentry and malaria are caused by ....

A. Bacteria

B. Fungi

C. Protozoa

D. Algae

3. Which one of the following is the carrier of the dengue virus?

A. Female Aedes mosquito

B. Female Anopheles mosquito

C. Male Aedes mosquito

D. male Anopheles mosquito

4. Microorganisms are used for ...

A. Increasing soil fertility

B. Making vaccine

C. Cleaning environment

D. All of these

5. Yeast converts sugar into ...

A. Carbondioxide

B. Alcohol

C. Nitrogen

D. None of these

6. How much nitrogen gas is present in the environment?

A. 33%

B. 21%

C. 78%

D. 0.3%

7. What do blue-green algae do?

A. Convert sugar into alcohol

B. Convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide

C. Convert oxygen into carbon dioxide

D. Convert nitrogen into nitrogen compound

8. Who discovered fermentation?

A. Albert Einstein

B. Marie Curie

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

9. In which year vaccine for smallpox was discovered?

A. 1798

B. 1778

C. 1770

D. 1678

10. Which type of relationship is shown by rhizobium and root nodules of leguminous plants?

A. Commensalism

B. Parasitism

C. Symbiotic

D. None of these

11. What is the mode of the transmission of the disease measles?

A. Air

B. Water

C. Physical contact

D. All of these

12. Citrus canker is caused by ...

A. Fungi

B. Algae

C. Bacteria

D. Virus

13. What are the preservative measures of hepatitis A?

A. Drink boiled water

B. Vaccination

C. Both of these

D. Isolation

14. Which one of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Measles

C. Chicken pox

D. polio

15. Who discovered bacteria?

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Edward Jenner

C. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

D. None of these

16. Who discovered the vaccine for smallpox?

A. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

B. Louis Pasteur

C. Edward Jenner

D. All of these


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