Resources that occur naturally without any actions of humankind are called natural resources. The natural resources on earth are air, water, land, fossil fuel, minerals, etc. Usually, natural resources are renewable and non-renewable. So take this quiz and know more about the natural resources.
1. Life exists only on earth due to the presence of...
A. Ambient temperature
B. Water and food
C. Energy from sun
D. All of these
2. The lithosphere is the .... of the earth.
A. Outer crust
B. Inner part
C. Middle part
D. None of these
3. Biosphere consists...
A. Biotic component
B. Abiotic component
C. Both of these
D. None of these
4. Nitrogen is used by plants for...
A. Protein synthesis
B. Fat synthesis
C. Breathing
D. None of these
5. What is the function of the atmosphere?
A. Keeps the average temperature of the earth
B. Prevent the sudden increase of the temperature
C. Both of these
D. None of these
6. What is the direction of the wind at night?
A. Land to sea
B. Sea to land
C. Both of these
D. None of these
7. Which of the following disease are caused due to air pollution?
A. High blood pressur
B. Eye irritation
C. Respiratory problem
D. All of these
8. Which one of the following keeps the earth warm like glass?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Sulphur
9. The ozone layer is present in...
A. Sratosphere
B. Toposphere
C. Thermosphere
D. None of these
10. In which year the ozone hole was observed in Antarctica?
A. 1988
B. 1989
C. 1999
D. 1985
11. What are the causes of water pollution?
A. Washing clothes near water bodies
B. Spraying chemicals
C. Both of these
D. None of the above
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