We all have heard of various corporate ethics and of the corporate life of employees. Every employee seeks to work to achieve rewards from their heads. This policy is called operant conditioning, also called instrumental conditioning. This is a method of learning that employs rewards and punishment behavior. Do you think you have the intelligence to answer all about operant conditioning? Try out this very interesting and amazing trivia quiz and see how many questions can you answer in operant conditioning.
1. A _______ is anything that increases behavior?
A. Negative Punishment
B. Rude Bahevior
C. Punishment
D. Reinforcer
2. What is the addition of something unpleasant?
A. Negative Punishment
B. Positive Reinforcement
C. Positive Punishment
D. None of the above
3. What is the removal of something pleasant?
A. Positive Punishment
B. Negative Punishment
C. Positive Reinforcement
D. None of the above
4. What is negative reinforcement?
A. The removal of something unpleasant
B. The addition of something unpleasant
C. The removal of conditioned stimulus
D. The addition of acquisition
5. What is the addition of something pleasant called?
A. Negative Reinforcement
B. Negative Punishment
C. Positive Punishment
D. Positive Reinforcement
6. What provides reinforcement after a set number of responses?
A. Variable Ratio
B. Fixed Interval
C. Fixed ratio
D. Variable Interval
7. What does variable-ratio provide?
A. Reinforcement after a random amount of trials
B. Reinforcement after a random number of responses
C. Reinforcement after acquisition
D. None of them
8. What requires a SET amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement?
A. Fixed Interval
B. Variable Interval
C. Fixed Ratio
D. Variable Ratio
9. What requires a random amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement?
A. Fixed Rewards
B. Variable Rewards
C. Variable Proportion
D. Variable Interval
10. Which psychologist ran a study with children and modeled behavior using a bobo-doll?
A. John Watson
B. Edward Toleman
C. Albert Bandura
D. Albert Schlansky
11. Positive punishment ______ behaviour, and negative punishment ______behaviour?
A. Strengthens, strengthens
B. Strengthens, weakens
C. Weakens, weakens
D. Weakens, Strengthens
12. Food is to ______ reinforcer as money is to _____ reinforcer?
A. Primary, secondary
B. Positive, negative
C. Negative, positive
D. Secondary, primary
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