Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. Sophia became active on February 14, 2016, and made her first public appearance. Here is a fun quiz for those who think they know everything about Sophia's robot. Let's start to play Sophia's quiz!
1. In which year was Sophia made
A. 2016
B. 2015
C. 2014
D. 2013
2. What type of Robot Sophia is...
A. Consumer
B. Humanoid
C. Medical
D. Military
3. Where was Sophia made...
A. France
C. Japan
D. China
4. Who made Sophia...
A. Kasit
B. Hanson Robotics
C. Honda
D. Osaka
5. What does Sophia do...
A. Research
B. Clear
C. Pick up toys
D. Make food
6. What is the second thing Sophia does...
A. Sleep
B. Have facial expressions
C. Can clean
D. Entertain
7. Sophia got citizenship of...
A. Dubai
B. Saudi Arabia
C. France
8. Does Sophia has emotions...
A. That's not possible
B. Yes
C. No
D. Not at all
9. What is the height of Sophia?
A. 5 feet around
B. 5.5 feet around
C. 6 feet around
D. 6.5 feet around
10. Sophia has graced the cover of...
A. Vogue Magazine
B. AARP Magazine
C. Elle Magazine
D. The Watchtower
11. Sophia was appeared on...
A. Saudi Arabia television
B. France television
C. Korean television
D. Chinese television
12. Is Sophia is dangerous for human?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Maybe
D. Of course not it's fake news
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