When there is a feeling under the weather, we often think to ourselves “I can make it harder, there is no need to include a doctor”, but if you feel unsure whether you should see a professional or not, it's “HOW SICK AM I”?
1. What is your temperature?
A. Too high 103
B. High 100.4
C. Slightly elevated 99.2
D. Normal 98.6
2. What parts of your body hurt?
A. All over
B. Your body aches little
C. Nowhere
D. Head and stomach
3. How long have you felt sick?
A. A couple of hours
B. A week
C. Too long to remember
D. Few days ago
4. Have you thrown up?
A. You and the toilet are one
B. Many times that you cannot get too far away from the bathroom
C. You have once or twice
D. Not at all
5. Has your daily activity changed?
A. You have done everything like normal
B. You are a little less motivated
C. You haven't moved from your bed
D. Always in bed
6. How many tissues have you gone through?
A. Couple boxes
B. None
C. A few tissues
D. A box
7. Does your head feel stuffy?
A. Not really
B. Somewhat but okay to deal with
C. You are in the cloud
D. Yes it is stuffy
8. Do you plan to go to school or work?
A. There is no way you will make it
B. You don't see why not
C. You are going to try
D. What is work?
9. Are you having trouble doing this quiz?
A. You have been staring at the same ques for an hours
B. You have whipped right through it
C. It has been a challenge
D. You are stuffed up a little
10. How often are you taking medicine?
A. Haven't taken any
B. Almost overdosed
C. Right on schedule
D. When you can't take it anymore
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