Quiz Questions and Answers On Topography Earth Science

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1370 | Recent Updated: 02-Mar-2020
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The topography delineates the physical characteristics of a zone of land. This includes geographical areas on the earth such as natural formations such as mountains and valleys. Topography often records the various preferment of an area using a topographical map. Landforms studied in topography can include anything that physically impacts the area. Examples include mountains, hills, valleys, lakes, oceans, rivers, cities, dams, and roads. And the Elevation, or height, of mountains and other objects, is recorded as part of the topography. It is usually recorded in reference to sea level. Let's test your knowledge about topography.

Questions Excerpt

1. Latitude topographical features give the -------------position of a location.

A. North position of a location

B. South position of a location

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

2. Which one of the following topographical features describes the color of an object?

A. Landforms

B. Longitude

C. Elevation

D. None of these

3. Longitude topographical features give the -------------position of a location.

A. East position

B. West position

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

4. Which one of the following topographical properties includes mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers?

A. Landforms

B. Latitude

C. Elevation

D. All of the above

5. Which one of the following topographical technique describes the height of mountains or other objects?

A. Landforms

B. Latitude

C. Elevation

D. All of the above

6. Which contour lines on a topographical map used for?

A. To show the longitude position of an object

B. To show rivers or lakes on a map

C. To show elevation changes in the land

D. All of the above

7. Which one of the following is an example of an indirect survey?

A. Satellite pictures

B. Sonar images

C. Radar images

D. All of the above

8. Which is an example of how topography used in modern-day?

A. To determine how wind and water will cause erosion

B. To plan military strategies

C. To help predict the weather

D. All of the above

9. Towns and Housing Societies are represented in which color?

A. Pink

B. Black

C. Read

D. None of these

10. Underwater Areas are indicated with which color?

A. Blue

B. Gray

C. Green

D. All of the above

11. Which is the shaped Contour lines that cross a valley or stream?

A. V-shaped

B. U-shaped

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

12. Topography invented by....

A. Charles Hutton

B. Ada Lovelace

C. Thomas Harriot

D. John Theophilus Desaguliers


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