World Wildlife Day Quiz: How Much You Know About World Wildlife Day?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 2738 | Recent Updated: 01-Mar-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Through "World Wildlife Day" we all celebrate the existence of all kinds of fauna and flora species present in our ecosystem. On World Wildlife Day, all these species are thanked for making a very significant contribution to the world's biodiversity. In the absence of wildlife, the ecological balance of the earth can deteriorate. Apart from food and medicines we also get many benefits from wildlife, such as wildlife which helps in keeping the climate balanced. They help in keeping the rains regular and the recovery of natural resources. Let's know more about World Wildlife Day.

Questions Excerpt

1. On what date is World Wildlife Day celebrated in the month of March?

A. 01March

B. 02 March

C. 03 March

D. 04 March

2. Which is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2020?

A. life on Earth

B. Life below Water

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

3. The theme for World Wildlife Day is "Life Below Water" is Celebrated in which year?

A. In the year 2014

B. In the year 2016

C. In the year 2019

D. In the year 2020

4. When was World Wildlife Day first observed?

A. In 2014

B. In 2015

C. In 2016

D. In 2018

5. 'World Wildlife Day' was first proposed by Thailand during the -------------------Session of Sites (CITES) in 2013, Bangkok.

A. 13th Session

B. 16th Session

C. 19th Session

D. 20th Session

6. When was announced by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate March 3 every year as 'World Wildlife Day'?

A. On 20 December 2011

B. On 20 December 2012

C. On 20 December 2013

D. On 20 December 2014

7. For the first time in the history of Wildlife Day, the year 2020 focused on species of-----------------.

A. Aquatic Organisms

B. Wildlife

C. Bird

D. All of the above

8. Nearly -------- species of fauna and plants are going extinct within 24 hours.

A. 2 species

B. 20 species

C. 200 species

D. 2000 species

9. What do wildlife on earth help to maintain?

A. To keep the rainfall regular

B. Oxygen availability

C. Soil fertility

D. All of the above

10. Which are the major threats to wildlife?

A. Human intrusion into forests

B. Deforestation

C. Wildlife smuggling

D. All of the above

11. Which is the first team of World Wildlife Day?

A. It’s Time to Get Serious about Wildlife Crimes

B. Listen to the Young Voices

C. The Future of Elephants is in Our Hands

D. All of the above

12. World Wildlife Day Observed by......

A. All UN Member States

B. India

C. America

D. None of these


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