This story is of a courageous lady named Santosh Yadav. It is an interesting story that fills our hearts with a desire that nothing is impossible. The single-minded determination and dedication helps us overcome all the hurdles and emerge as a winner. So take this quiz and know more about the story reach for the top.
1. What proved that Santosh was an environmentalist?
A. Collection of 500kg garbage and bringing it down from The Himalayas
B. She planted trees
C. She always used dustbin
D. None of these
2. In what words did Santosh express her feeling at the summit of her Everest climb?
A. Fabulous
B. Indescribable
C. Fantastic
D. None of these
3. After finishing college why did Santosh write a letter of apology to her father?
A. Because she ran away
B. Because she left her house
C. Because she enrolled herself for an institution of mountaineering without his permission
D. None of these
4. Why did senior climbers praise Santosh?
A. For being helpful to teammates
B. Physical fitness and mental strength
C. Climbing skills
D. All of these
5. What did Santosh watch from her hostel Kasturba room?
A. Scenic beauty
B. Villagers climbing up the Aravali hill and vanishing
C. Crowd
D. None of these
6. What happened when Santosh scaled up the Mount Everest for the first time?
A. She won
B. She hoisted the flag
C. She became the youngest woman to achieve the feat
D. All of these
7. What happened when Santosh scaled up Mount Everest for the second time?
A. She became the only woman to scale it twice
B. She became happy
C. She won the game
D. She shouted aloud
8. How did Santosh feel after reaching the top of the world?
A. It was a spiritual and proud moment
B. Tired
C. Exhausted
D. Fatigued
9. Whom did Santosh save with artificial respiration?
A. Rohan Singh
B. Sohan Singh
C. Mohan Singh
D. All of these
10. What kind of letter did Santosh write to her father after finishing college?
A. A joy letter
B. An apology letter
C. Both of these
D. None of these
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