Person get lots of signs when their marriage is in trouble . Signs tell the condition of their marriage . Sign are always real it don’t lie about anything. For example you don’t like to talk to your partner after any fight it increase your communication gap and due to this you make distance from your partner and it is a sign that your marriage in trouble you need to talk with each other. So if you feel wrong signs of your marriage and try to know more about it then take this quiz and find out the condition of your marriage.
1. Does your partner compare you with any other person?
A. Yes, with his/her mother
B. No
C. Yes, with his/her father
D. Yes, with any relative
2. Does your partner have trust on you?
A. Not at all
B. Yes, always
C. Sometimes, you feel it
D. You wish that he/she do it
3. Does your partner take your advice on any work or decision?
A. No, he/she feels that his/her opinion is best
B. Yes, most of the time
C. Sometimes, when he/she feels it
D. Rarely
4. Does your partner still take an interest in your birthday celebration?
A. No, he/she doesn't remember it
B. Yes, he/she plan surprise for my birthday
C. Sometimes
D. Yes, but not all the time
5. Does your spouse feel sad when you are suffering from any bad situation?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Most of the time
D. Sometime
6. Does your spouse like outing with you in every weekend?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Sometimes
D. He/she used to but not anymore
7. Does your spouse still spend time with your family?
A. No, he/she doesn't like my family
B. Yes, always when you are with your family
C. Sometimes
D. Only when he/she feels like it
8. Does your spouse still give any compliment to you on your good look?
A. He/she never do it
B. Yes, every time you get compliment
C. Yes, but maybe they want their privacy
D. No
9. Does your partner still love you?
A. No, not anymore
B. Yes, you feel it by their action
C. Yes, but you have your doubts
D. No, you feel that he/she loves only your body
10. Do you still share your bed with your spouse?
A. No, because you don’t feel comfortable
B. Yes, you like it
C. Yes, but not in regular basis
D. Rarely
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