Scientists have created an amazing device called a Smellicopter, which can sniff and navigate the chemicals in the air to detect the survivors of disasters like gas leaks, explosions, etc. But most sensors made by humans are not sensitive or fast. In this direction, scientists have created Smellicopter. Smellicopter is a device that works to identify the smell. It is an autonomous drone that uses a kite antenna to navigate by smell. Researchers have also attached two plastic wings to the drone, to help it fly continuously in the air. Another feature of this is that it is capable of reaching the goal by avoiding obstacles. Let's know more about Smellicopter.
1. By whom is this research done?
A. Melini Anderson
B. John crew
C. Martin bham
D. Anderson
2. The research was published on 1 October ________ in the journal IOP Bioinspiration and Biometrics.
A. 2018
B. 2019
C. 2020
D. 2021
3. An aromatic molecule can trigger too many cellular reactions. This process is:
A. Super efficient
B. Unique
C. Fast
D. All of the above
4. Which moth antenna has been used for this experiment?
A. Manduca sexta hawkmoth
B. Five‑spotted hawk moth
C. Hawk moths
D. Chloridea virescens
5. The mites' antenna remains active even after _________ hours of removal from the body.
A. 01 hours
B. 02 hours
C. 04 hours
D. 05 hours
6. The antenna can smell the odor and convert to which of the following?
A. Electrical impulses
B. Sound impulse
C. Light impulse
D. All of the above
7. Like insects, it surveys its surroundings by:
A. Camera
B. Laser light
C. Infrared
D. Electric impulse
8. The small bio-hybrid drone uses the antenna of a moth as a sensor to autonomously sniff out odors like:
A. Hazardous chemicals
B. Explosives
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
9. Which university has this discovery done?
A. Washington University
B. California university
C. New York University
D. Los Angeles University
10. What is the Smellicopter investigative profession?
A. Scientist
B. Student
C. Entrepreneur
D. All of the above
11. Smellicopter is an example of what?
A. Biological organisms on robotic platforms
B. Biomass on robotic platform
C. Biochemical on robotic platform
D. All of the above
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