We're very excited to know who is destining to meet. It's a fun ride to see butterflies in your stomach; The purpose of Stardew Valley is to find the best match. You are still finding a bachelor, but your man/woman is still far from you. Well, take this random quiz, based on Stardew and know your partner's character.
1. How much time do you spend alone every week?
A. Depends how am I feeling
B. I can't be alone any day
C. I spend most of the time with friends & family
D. I spend 90% of my time alone
2. How is your ideal home?
A. A large one
B. A beach house
C. I'm happy with the one I live in
D. A small cosy apartment
3. How do you spend your spare time?
A. Listen music
B. Watch TV or movie
C. Partying with friends
D. Long drive with partner
4. What are you as a professional?
A. Doctor
B. Writer
C. Engineer
D. I don't work
5. Which are the desired traits in your partner?
A. Compassion
B. Ambition
C. Humor
D. Intellect
6. Given the choice what would you like to produce on your farm?
A. Cotton
B. Strawberries
C. Grapes
D. Flowers
7. Which animal do you want to domestication?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Horse
D. Cow
8. What is the best feature of your ideal partner?
A. Eyes
B. Abs
C. Lips
D. Hair
9. How were you classified as during your school?
A. Nerd
C. Artsy
D. Skater
10. What would you take along when stranded on an island?
A. Comic Book
B. Art & Craft supplies
C. My pet
D. My gaming equipment
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